Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Class Selection, Round I - FIGHT!

So I've had a little time to go over the list of classes for next year and these are the preliminary choices I've made:

Fall Semester:
  1. Calculus
  2. Physics
  3. Chemistry
  4. University Writing
  5. Computer Science

Spring Semester:
  1. Calculus
  2. Physics
  3. Principles of Economics
  4. Gateway Lab
  5. Professional Level Course

Pretty much ALL of these classes split into different tracks:
Calculus 4, Physics 3, Chem 3
Computer science has 5 different courses and the professional level course has 10!
At least the university writing/gateway lab is chosen for me according to where my name is in the alphabet. I'm not even at school yet and I already have sooo many choices.

Since I'm probably going for mechanical engineering, I think a physics lab is better than a chem lab (even though I DO love blowing things up). That's why I filled 2nd semester slot 3 with econ instead of a chem lab. The physics lab is a second year course.

Round I goes to me. I think I may have a handle on things.

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