Monday, May 28, 2007

More Mail

UPDATE: This was the last post of this blog. Army craziness got the better of me as I neared my move to NYC and left me with no time to devote to writing. Keeping up with classes at Columbia is far too time consuming for me to continue writing at this point. This blog will remain up, and maybe some day I will come back to it but for now it will remain a shrine to pre-frosh anxiety. Thanks for reading! -Ben

Today I finally got my orientation mailing.
It's pretty useless.

It talks about COOP - not gonna do it.
CUE- also, not gonna do it.
Summer Advising Sessions - still going to be here so that's a third no.

It also talks about activating our e-mail addresses (something I have yet to do) and a send a bunch (well, two) pictures. One is due on may 31st via the net and the other is a passport sized photo I ave to send snail mail for my ID.

The encouraging new it shares is that international move-in day is August 26th. I guess that means I get an extra day in the dorm to get things settled.

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